Research Article

Correction of Fanconi Anemia Group C Hematopoietic Stem Cells Following Intrafemoral Gene Transfer

Figure 1

Corrective ability of the FancC-EGFP transgene. (a) FA group C mutant cells (HSC536) were transduced with either pSINFancC and pSINFancC-EGFP or pSINEGFP recombinant lentiviral particles. Growth survival of transduced cells as compared to normal cells (HSC93) was established with various concentrations of mitomycin C (MMC). Each point represents the of three separate experiments. Absence of SEM bars represents values too low to appear in the graph. (b) EGFP transgene expression in bone marrow cells of intrafemorally injected wild type and mice five months following IF injections. Each dot represents the EGFP expression of an individual IF-injected mouse. Horizontal line: mean value. .