Research Article

Diagnosis of Fanconi Anemia: Mutation Analysis by Next-Generation Sequencing

Table 2

Pathogenic mutation detection through filtering.

Sample1Variants (total)Variants (target genes)NS/SS2Not in dbSNPFA genes3Pathogenic clue4

Sam 125351579581141
Sam 22659170043611
Sam 32388153740522
Sam 52490157049542
Sam 62081136238532
Sam 724171541340005
Sam 82267141653531
Sam 92284135434411
Sam 102570176051521
Sam 112277149144721

1Sample 4 is not included in this table, as it is composed of pooled DNA from sample 4a and 4b. Slightly different analysis parameters were used for that sample.
2NS: nonsynonymous, SS, splice site.
3Number of variations remaining after filtering for variations in FA genes only.
4pathogenic clues are obtained from in silico analysis using Align-GVGD, Polyphen-2, and SIFT [7ā€“9].
5This patient is a carrier for a large deletion and a deep intronic mutation. The large deletion is detectable by a separate tool, and the intronic variation is filtered out at this stage.