Research Article

Prevalence and Predictors of Maternal Anemia during Pregnancy in Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia: An Institutional Based Cross-Sectional Study

Table 4

Distribution of morphologic type anemia among study participants.

Morphologic type of cells Anemic status
Anemic Not anemic Total
(%) (%) (%)

Microcytic hypochromic (MCV < 80 fl, MCH < 27 pg) 8 (16%)1 (0.4%)9 (3.0%)
Normocytic Normochromic (MCV and MCH within the normal value) 38 (76%)235 (93.2%)273 (90.4%)
Macrocytic normochromic (MCV > 100 fl, MCH (27 pg < MCH < 33.5 pg))2 (4%)5 (1.98%)7 (2.3%)
Other combinations2 (4%)11 (4.37%)13 (4.3%)

Total 50 (16.6%)252 (83.4%)302 (100%)