Research Article

Study of Hematological Parameters in Children Suffering from Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Chattagram Maa-o-Shishu General Hospital, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Table 6

Showing the frequency of clinical features of IDA and control patients.

Clinical featuresControlIDA
Number (%)Number (%)

Weight loss8 (32%)110 (73.33%)
Attention problem4 (16%)102 (68%)
Pale skin colour3 (12%)51 (34%)
Dyspepsia5 (20%)97 (65%)
Diarrhoea6 (24%)98 (65%)
Premature baby2 (8%)52 (35%)
Weakness4 (16%)102 (68%)
Decrease appetite5 (20%)108 (72%)
Headache7 (28%)83 (55%)