Clinical Study

Hematological Indices for Differential Diagnosis of Beta Thalassemia Trait and Iron Deficiency Anemia

Table 2

Different RBC indices and mathematical formulas used to differentiate between β-TT and IDA.

Hematological index Formula

Mentzer index (MI) (1973)MCV/RBC
Shine and Lal (S and L) (1977)MCV × MCV × MCH/100
Srivastava (1973)MCH/RBC
Green and King (G and K) (1989)MCV × MCV × RDW/Hb × 100
Sirdah (2007)MCV − RBC − (3 × Hb)
Ehsani (2005)MCV − (10 × RBC)
England and Fraser (E and F) (1973)MCV − (5 × Hb) − RBC − 3.4
Ricerca (1987)RDW/RBC
MDHL (1999)(MCH/MCV) × RBC

MDHL index: mean density of Hb/liter of blood; MCHD index: mean cell Hb density.