Research Article

Prevalence and Risk Factors for Complications in Patients with Nontransfusion Dependent Alpha- and Beta-Thalassemia

Table 1

Clinical definition required to confirm identified complications.


Extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH)Physical or radiologic evidence of extramedullary hematopoietic foci with or without symptoms

Pulmonary hypertension (PHT)Systolic pulmonary artery pressure > 35 mmHg, which corresponds to a tricuspid regurgitant velocity on Doppler echocardiography of > 2.8 m/s plus exertional dyspnea without evidence of left heart disease

ThrombosisCompression ultrasonography, contrast venography, or angiography evidence of thrombus

CardiomyopathyEchocardiographic, electrodiagnostic, or radiologic evidence of pathological change of myocardium such as hypertrophy, dilatation, or restriction

CholelithiasisRadiologic evidence of gallbladder stones

Abnormal liver functionALT > 50 U/L

Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE)Histopathologic evidence of pathological change in elastic fibers to inelastic tissue

Leg ulcersIschemic or necrotic skin lesion on the lower extremity by general visual inspection

Osteoporosis (OP)Bone densitometry score < 2.5 SD

Abnormal plasma glucoseFasting plasma glucose > 110 mg/dL at least one time

Hypothyroidism TSH > 4.7 U/L and a free T4 > 0.8 ng/dL

HypogonadismFemales: > 13 years, not yet Tanner B2
(i.e., prepubertal breast development)
or > 14 years requiring estrogen replacement therapy
or > 15 years with primary amenorrhea;
males: > 14 years, not yet Tanner G2
(i.e., prepubertal genital development)
or on androgen replacement therapy
or > 17 years, not yet Tanner G4
(i.e., midpubertal genital development)

Iron overloadMaximum ferritin level >800 ng/mL with or without radiologic or histopathologic evidence

Adapted from [8].