Research Article

Screening for Anemia and Iron Deficiency in the Adult Portuguese Population

Table 3

Prevalence and prevalence ratio of iron deficiency in nonpregnant and pregnant women stratified by age group and pregnancy trimester.

NnPrevalence, % (95% CI)PR (95% CI)

 NPW in fertile agea3500255372.9 (71.4–74.4)1 (reference)
 Pregnant women1125106694.8 (93.3–96.0)1.30 (1.27–1.33)
 1st trimester413687.8 (73.8–95.9)1.20 (1.07–1.35)
 2nd trimester63358892.9 (90.6–94.8)1.27 (1.24–1.31)
 3rd trimester45144298.0 (96.2–99.1)1.34 (1.31–1.38)

18–26 years3
 NPW in fertile agea87067978.0 (75.1–80.8)1 (reference)
 Pregnant women20319596.1 (92.4–98.3)1.23 (1.18–1.29)
 1st trimester1010100 (69.2–100)1.28 (1.24–1.33)
 2nd trimester11711094.0 (88.1–97.6)1.21(1.14–1.28)
 3rd trimester767598.7 (92.9–100)1.26 (1.21–1.32)

27–35 years
 NPW in fertile agea128593272.5 (70.0–75.0)1 (reference)
 Pregnant women72368294.3 (92.4–95.9)1.30 (1.25–1.35)
 1st trimester231982.6 (61.2–95.0)1.14 (0.94–1.38)
 2nd trimester41438392.5 (89.5–94.9)1.28 (1.22–1.33)
 3rd trimester28628097.9 (95.5–99.2)1.35 (1.30–1.40)

36–44 years
 NPW in fertile agea134594270.0 (67.5–72.5)1 (reference)
 Pregnant women19918995.0 (91.0–97.6)1.36 (1.30–1.42)
 1st trimester8787.5 (47.3–99.7)1.25 (0.96–1.63)
 2nd trimester1029593.1 (86.4–97.2)1.33 (1.25–1.42)
 3rd trimester898797.8 (92.1–99.7)1.40 (1.33–1.46)

CI; confidence interval; ID, iron deficiency; N, total number of participants; n, number of participants with iron deficiency; NPW, nonpregnant women; PR, prevalence ratio. aSubgroups of nonpregnant women matched to the same age groups of the pregnant women. value <0.01, value <0.001; Wald chi-square test. Nonpregnant women ≤51 years versus >51 years.