Research Article

Iron Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anemia Are Common Epidemiological Conditions in Saudi Arabia: Report of the National Epidemiological Survey

Table 4

Observations based on the hematological profile (excluding cases of thalassemia and sickle cell disease) by regions with confirmed lab values (n = 908).

RegionsGroup B (low ferritin, normal Hb)FemaleMaleTotal valueGroup C (low ferritin and low Hb)FemaleMaleTotal value

DammamRegion total34 (81.0%)8 (19.0%)42/174 (24.1%)<0.001Region total17 (85%)3 (15%)20/174 (11.5%)0.001
Ferritin ≥15 and <30, Hb ANL195Ferritin ≥15 and <30, Hb low41
Ferritin ≥12 and <15, Hb ANL51Ferritin ≥12 and <15, Hb low20
Ferritin <12, Hb ANL102Ferritin <12, Hb low112

MakkahRegion total112 (95.7%)5 (4.3%)117/276 (42.4%)<0.001Region total27 (100%)0 (0%)27/276 (9.8%)-
Ferritin ≥15 and <30, Hb ANL584Ferritin ≥15 and <30, Hb low50
Ferritin ≥12 and <15, Hb ANL201Ferritin ≥12 and <15, Hb low10
Ferritin <12, Hb ANL340Ferritin <12, Hb low210

MadinaRegion total47 (81%)11 (19.0%)58/293 (21%)<0.001Region total29 (96.7%)1 (3.3%)30/293 (10.2%)0.033
Ferritin ≥15 and <30, Hb ANL2911Ferritin ≥15 and <30, Hb low41
Ferritin ≥12 and <15, Hb ANL20Ferritin ≥12 and <15, Hb low00
Ferritin <12, Hb ANL160Ferritin <12, Hb low250

RiyadhRegion total37 (86.0%)6 (14.0%)43/165 (26.1%)<0.001Region total16 (88.9%)2 (11.1%)18/165 (10.9%)0.007
Ferritin ≥15 and <30, Hb ANL225Ferritin ≥15 and <30, Hb low50
Ferritin ≥12 and <15, Hb ANL31Ferritin ≥12 and <15, Hb low30
Ferritin <12, Hb ANL120Ferritin <12, Hb low82

ANL: above normal limits.