Review Article

Unconstraining Methods in Revenue Management Systems: Research Overview and Prospects

Table 5

Research on unconstraining methods used in RMS.


Direct ObservationDirectly ObserveOrkin [26] and1998
and Record Latent DemandQueenan et al. [22]2007
Ignore the censored dataNaïve #1 (N1)
Discard the censored dataNaïve #2 (N2)Saleh [27]1997
Imputation unconstrainingNaïve #3 (N3)

First Proposition
Spill ModelSwan [2831]1979–1990
Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)Brummer et al. [32] and Lee [3]1988 1990
Booking Profile (BP)Wickham [8]1995
Projection Detruncation (PD)Hopperstad [33]1995
Pickup Detruncation (Pickup)Skwarek [34]1996
Expectation Maximization (EM)Salch [35]1997
Life Table (LT)van Ryzin and McGill [36]2000
Observed Load Factor (OLF) tableLi and Oum [37]2000
Nonlinear ProgrammingGao and Zhu [38] and2005
Gao [39]2006
Multi-distribution-Based EM and PDGuo [40] and2008
Guo et al. [41]2011
BP, PD, and pickupSkwarek [34]1996
N2, N3, BP, and PDSkwarek [9] and1996
Hopperstad [42, 43]1997
N1, N2, N3, BP, and EMPölt [20], Weatherford [21]2000
N1, N2, N3, BP, PD, and EMWeatherford and Pölt [10],2002
Zeni [19] and2001
Zeni and Lawrence [44]2004
EM and PDChen and Luo [45]2005
BP and PDZickus [46] and1998
Gorin [47]2000
Statistical Model UnconstrainingEMHe and Luo [48]2006
DESGuo et al. [49]2008
Parametric Regression (PR)Liu et al. [50] and2002
HotelsLiu [51]2004
Double Exponential Smoothing (DES) Queenan et al. [22] 2007
Censored Demand EM ProcedureMcGill [52]1995
Spill ModelFarkas [53] and1996
Belobaba and Farkas [54]1999
Cumulative Expected BookingsMishra and Viswanathan [55]2003
Multi-classAirlinesQ forecastingBoyd and Kallesen [56],2001
Boyd et al. [57] and2004
Hopperstad et al. [58] and2006
Hopperstad [59]2007
EMKarmarkar et al. [60]2011
Regression-Based EstimationJa et al. [61]2001
Correlated Demand ForecastingStefanescu et al. [62],2004
Stefanescu [63]2009
EM (Discrete Choice Model)Talluri and van Ryzin [64] and2004
AirlinesVulcano et al. [65]2010
Multi-flightMulti-flight Recapture HeuristicRatliff et al. [23]2008
Log Risk-ratio Estimation HeuristicTalluri [66]2009
EM (Customer Choice Sets)Haensel and Koole [67] and Haensel et al. [68]2011
EM (Substitution Effects and Indirect Competitor Estimation)Vulcano et al. [69]2012
HotelsTwo-step Decomposition (Marginal Log Likelihood Functions)Newman et al. [18]2012