Research Article

Inverting the Multiple-Assisting Tool Network Problem to Solve for Optimality

Algorithm 1

Evolutionary Algorithm (EA1).
FOR iterations in budjet LOOP
FOR each (i) population member LOOP
   Routei ⟵ a tour within the populations of tours
   launch ⟵ Routei (1) first node;
   rendezvous ⟵ Routei (2) second node;
   candidate ⟵ Routei (3) third node;
   drone count ⟵ 0;
   route time ⟵ 0;
  WHILE candidate ≤ total delivery nodes DO
   truck op time ⟵ get truck time (launch, rendezvous);
   drone op time ⟵ get drone time (launch, candidate, rendezvous);
   drone op dist ⟵ get drone distance (launch, candidate, rendezvous);
   IF candidate ≥ total delivery nodes THEN
    IF drone count ≥ number drones avail.OR drone op dist. > drone range THEN
     Max op time = max (truck op time, drone op time, multiple drone op time);
     route time ⟵ route time + max op time + truck op time;
     route time ⟵ route time + get truck time (candidate depot);
    ELSE (drone makes last delivery)
     Max op time = max (truck op time, drone op time, multiple drone op time);
     Route time ⟵ route time + max op time + get truck time (rendezvous, depot);
    END IF
    BREAKwhile loop;
   IF drone count ≥ number drone avail OR drone dist. > drone range THEN
    Max op time ⟵ max (truck op time, multiple drone op time);
    Route time ⟵ route time + max op time;
    Launch ⟵ rendezvous;
    rendezvous ⟵ candidate;
    candidate ⟵ min (Routei(candidate + 1), total number stops);
    drone count ⟵ 0;
    multi drone op time ⟵ 0;
   ELSE (assign delivery to drone)
    max op time ⟵ max (truck op time, drone op time, multiple drone op time);
    route time ⟵ route time + max op time
    candidate ⟵ Routei(candidate + 1);
    drone count ⟵ drone count + 1;
    multi drone op time(drone count) ⟵ drone op time;
    List of all Route Times (p)  route time;
END FOR (each population member)
  Populationrandomly shuffle among the tours in population, keep routes intact
FOR each of five tours in population LOOP through, keep tournament winners, mutate losers
  Best time, Id, Best RouteGet Fittest Member tour of tournament of 5;
  Overwrite each of the four less fit tours with the fittest member;
  Mutate first of the four less fit tours by random swap;
  Mutate second of the four less fit tours by random segment slide;
  Mutate third of the four less fit tours by random segment flip;
  Mutate fourth of the four less fit tours by swapping last node in tour with any other
  Do nothing for fifth tour; keep the fittest tour intact;
END FOR mutations and tournament winners
  Populationupdate old Population with new Population mutations and winners
END FOR total budget exhausted
RETURN overall best tour in population (time, route) and graph route;