Research Article

Multiobjective Green Time-Dependent Location-Routing Problem and Algorithms

Table 2

Parameters and values.


DSet of the candidate depotsTravel speed of the vehicle h
CSet of the customersKijhLoad of vehicle h leaving i and traveling to j
qiThe demands of the customer iSTjService time of customer j
STjService time of customer jATjhThe time when vehicle h arrives at node j
xi, yiCoordinate of the node iTTijTravel time between nodes i and j
[ai, ei]Time window of the node iyr1 if depot r is open, and 0 otherwise
PjCapacity of the depot j
FDjCost of the depot jzim1 if customer i is served by depot m, and 0 otherwise
QhCapacity of the vehicle h
FVhCost of the vehicle hxijh1 if customer i is served by depot m, and 0 otherwise
dijDistance between the two nodes i and j
FijhFuel consumption of the vehicle h from node i to node j