Review Article

Use of Condition-Specific Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Clinical Trials among Patients with Wrist Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review

Table 2

Characteristics of identified condition (or body region) specific patient reported outcomes.

Measure^Identified studies citing the measurePrimary reference for measureNumber of unique citations for the measureAnatomical regionAssessesNumber of items (type)

Cosmesis visual analog scale (VAS)[45]NoneNoneHandAppearance1 (100 mm VAS)
Disabilities of the arm, shoulder, and hand (DASH)[43, 44, 54, 55][56]1103Upper limbSymptoms, function30 (5-point Likert)
Hand function visual analog scale (VAS)[4547]NoneNoneHandFunction1 (100 mm VAS)
Hand specific ADL questionnaire[45, 46][57]18Hand Function10 (4-Point Likert)
Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ)[48][58]196HandSymptom, function, satisfaction37 “core” items (5-point Likert)
Patient Evaluation Measure (PEM)[55][59]71Hand/wristSymptom, function10 (7-point Likert)*
Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation (PRWE)[60][61, 62]210Wrist/handSymptom, function15 (11-point Likert)
Perceived grip strength scale[53]NoneNoneHandFunction1 (100 mm VAS)
Scale of hand-specific activity performance[51]NoneNoneHandFunction10 (5-point Likert)

^Each measure is patient-administered.
*The total measure is comprised of 18 items; 10 of which form the Hand Health Profile.
Trial did not cite a source for this measure. No article cited the trial-reported reliability, validity, or responsiveness of the instrument.