Research Article

Manipulation of Displaced Distal Radial Fractures in the Superelderly: Prediction of Malunion and the Degree of Radiographic Improvement

Table 1

Case-mix variables for the study cohort.

Case-mix variables = (%)

 Male 15 (6.6)
 Female 213 (93.4)
Dominant limb
 Yes 93 (40.8)
 No 135 (59.2)
 Yes 126 (55.3)
 No 102 (44.7)
Injury mechanism
 Simple fall224 (98.2)
 Fall from height1 (0.4)
 RTA2 (0.9)
 Assault1 (0.9)
Associated fracture
 Yes 37 (16.2)
 No 191 (83.8)
AO Classification
 A123 (53.9)
 B1 (0.4)
 C104 (45.6)
Dorsal comminution
 Yes212 (93.0)
 No16 (7.0)