Research Article

Delayed Presentation of Patients with Hip Fractures during the COVID-19 “Stay-at-Home” Order in the Southmost Region of the United States

Figure 1

Changes in function resulting from hip fractures. (a) Comparison of the categorical change in function for each type of fractures. Change in function was assigned a value based on the mobility capacity before fracture and after fracture. A zero indicates no change from pre- to postfracture; negative one indicates a one-level decrease in function (i.e., from previously walking to using aid to walk); and negative two indicates a two-level decrease in function (i.e., from previously walking to being bedridden). No significant differences in functionality were observed between years. (b) The percent of patients within each categorical change in functionality was not affected by the delay in presentation (data collapsed across years). D = displaced, ND = nondisplaced, FN = femoral neck, and Inter. = intertrochanteric.