Research Article

Analysis of Postural Control in Patients Diagnosed with Unilateral Knee Osteoarthrosis and Its Relationship with the Risk of Falls

Table 2

COP displacement amplitude during postural control with eyes open and eyes closed.

ConditionsVariablesG1G2 value

Eyes openCOPAP (cm)2.41 (±1.34)1.36 (±0.54)0.007
COPML (cm)2.07 (±1.80)1.02 (±0.43)0.033

Eyes closedCOPAP (cm)6.25 (±0.68)3.48 (±0.76)0.002
COPML (cm)4.81 (±0.52)3.93 (±1.10)0.430

G1 = elderly people diagnosed with unilateral knee osteoarthritis; G2 = active elderly people without a diagnosis of unilateral osteoarthrosis in the knee. Significant Kruskal–Wallis test (). Data are presented as mean values and ±standard error. In the table, values that present statistical significance are in bold.