Research Article

BDD-Based Topology Optimization for Low-Power DTIG FinFET Circuits

Algorithm 3

The algorithm of subroutine 3 in the BDD-based extraction algorithm.

 Algorithm of Subroutine3:
Input: Gsa: set of AND/NAND2 sub-graph from subroutine2;
Input: G: node set of BDD from subroutine 1
Output: Gsaoi: set of AOI/OAI sub-graph
Output: Gsand3: set of AND/NAND31 sub-graph
1: for each gs in Gsa do
2:  vjroot(gs)
3:  for each vk in BDD do
4:   if low(vk)=vj OR high(vk)=vj then
5:    if vk satisfy Theorem 4 case 1 then
10:     Gsa3
11:    else if vk satify Theorem 4 case2 then
13:     Gsaoi
14:    end if
15:   end if
16:  end for
17: end for