Research Article

Diabetic Complications among Adult Diabetic Patients of a Tertiary Hospital in Northeast Ethiopia

Table 3

Distribution of variables based on the type of diabetes in Dessie Referral Hospital, 2013 ().

S. no. VariablesType of diabetesTotal
Type I (%) Type II (%)

1Is there complication?
 Yes24 (35.8)105 (70.5)129 (59.7)
 No43 (64.2)44 (29.5)87 (40.3)
 Total67  (100)149 (100)216 (100)

2Sex of patients
 Male41 (61.2)84 (56.4)125 (57.9)
 Female26 (48.8)65 (43.6)91 (42.1)
 Total67 (100%)149 (100)216 (100)

3Age category
 <3031 (46.3)22 (14.8)53 (24.5)
 31–4524 (35.8)27 (18.1)51 (23.6)
 >4512 (17.9)100 (67.1)112 (51.9)
 Total67  (100)149 (100)216 (100)

4Family history of patients
 Present17 (25.4)16 (10.7)33 (15.3)
 No family history47 (70.1)124 (83.2)171 (79.2)
 I don’t know3 (4.5)9 (6.0)12 (5.6)
 Total67 (100)149 (100)216 (100)

5Category of duration (in years)
 <521 (31.3)72 (48.32)93 (43.1)
 5–937 (55.2)42 (28.2)79 (36.6)
 10–147 (10.4)17 (11.4)24 (11.1)
 15–1908 (5.4)8 (3.7)
 >202 (3)10 (6.7)12 (5.6)
 Total67 (100)149 (100)216 (100)

6Overall knowledge scores
 Good37 (55.2)71 (47.7)108 (50)
 Negative/poor30 (44.8)78 (52.3)108 (50)
 Total67 (100)149 (100)216 (100)

7Self-reported adherence
 Good19 (28.4)47 (31.5)66 (30.6)
 Poor48 (71.6)102 (68.5)150 (69.4)
 Total67 (100)149 (100)216 (100)

9Overall attitude scores
 Good37 (55.2)75 (50.3)112 (51.9)
 Negative/bad30 (44.8)74 (49.7)104 (48.1)
 Total67 (100)149 (100)216 (100)