Research Article

Utilization of Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Services and Associated Factors among Antenatal Care Attending Mothers in Sebeta Town, Central Ethiopia

Table 4

Respondent’s practice of HIV testing and main reasons for being not tested and collection of ARV drug among ANC attending mothers in Sebeta town, Oromia region, 2015.

Variable Frequency

Respondents tested for HIV in the current pregnancy
 Yes 32586.9
 No 4913.1
HIV test result
 Negative 31396.3
 Positive 123.7
Respondents’ main reason for not being tested
 Absence of counselor/provider/KIT2653
 Fear of rejection by partner/husband 1428.6
 Lack of awareness and knowledge 1224.5
 Fear of stigma and discrimination 612.2
 Tested before current pregnancy 1122.4
 Fear of being tested positive for HIV12
Collected ARV drug
 Yes 975
 No 325
Respondents’ main reason for not collecting ARV drug
 Fear of her partner/husband133.3
 Refusing her test result 266.7

Multiple responses possible.