Research Article

Women’s Autonomy Decision Making Power on Postpartum Modern Contraceptive Use and Associated Factors in North West Ethiopia

Table 4

Modern contraceptive use during PPP among mothers, in Sekota town and its Surroundings, Northwest, Ethiopia 2017 .

VariablesCategoriesFrequency (%)VariablesCategoriesFrequency (%)

used modern contraceptive methods during PPPYes124 (29.9)The reason not used MC during the PP period Menses not resume97 (33.3)
No291 (70.1)Religious reason49 (16.8)
Which method used Condom18 (14.5)Not start sexual intercourse56 (19.2)
Pills25 (20.2)Breastfeeding51 (10.7)
Injection2 (1.6)Husband disproval20 (6.9)
Implant65 (52.4)Fear of side effect28 (9.6)
IUCD9 (7.3)Lack of time8 (2.7)
Tuba ligation5 (4.0)Need to have another child17 (5.8)
Who decided to use the method Self68 (54.8)Previous health problem12 (4.1)
Jointly37 (29.8)Other reasons3 (1.0)
Husband19 (15.3)When did you start after birth ≤2 weeks6 (4.8)
Where did you use Public health institution119 (96.0)3–4 weeks39 (31.5)
Private health institution5 (4.0)5–6 weeks79 (63.7)
Reason using contraceptive To space78 (62.9)Used MC after PPP yes87 (29.9)
To limit37 (39.8)no204 (70.1)
Partner pressure9 (7.3)Intended to use MCYes142 (69.6)
in future No62 (30.4)