Research Article

Detection of Antibiotics in Drinking Water Treatment Plants in Baghdad City, Iraq

Table 4

Detection of antibiotics in the raw and finished water at the Al-Rasheed treatment plant.Mean ± SD values of the detected antibiotics between the raw and finished water (μg L−1) at the Al-Rasheed plant are listed. Statistical analyses were conducted with P< 0.05, between R1 and R3, and significant values are indicated by an asterisk. NS refers to no significant differences.

AntibioticsConcentrations in water samples (g L-1) LSD value

Ciprofloxacin0.539± 0.00033330.492± 0.00057740.195 NS
Levofloxacin0.209± 0.00057740.0474± 3.333e-0050.077
Amoxicillin0.501± 0.00033330± 00.203