Research Article

Impact of Community-Led Total Sanitation and Hygiene on Prevalence of Diarrheal Disease and Associated Factors among Under-Five Children: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study in Selected Woredas of Gamo Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Table 8

Multivariable analyses of factors related to diarrhea among under-five in selected CLTSH implemented and nonimplemented woredas in Gamo Gofa Zone, March 2018.

CharacteristicsDiarrhea statusCOR [95% CI]AOR [95% CI]
CLTSH, n (%)Non-CLTSH, n (%)

Age of index child
<6 months14 (23.3%)25 (21.7%)1.001.00
6–11 months15 (25.0%)16 (13.9%)1.89 [1.11, 3.2]1.38 [0.49, 3.84]
12–23 months15 (25.0%)35 (30.4%)2.64 [1.6, 4.29]1.58 [1.5, 8.56]
≥24 months16 (26.7%)39 (33.9%)3.75 [2.3, 6.11]5.23 [2.12, 12.8]

Handwashing facilities
Yes6 (17.6%)19 (27.5%)1.001.00
No28 (82.4%)50 (72.5%)3.05 [1.86, 5.0]4.03 [1.93, 8.42]

Handwashing with soap/ash
Yes26 (76.5%)29 (25.2%)1.001.00
No8 (23.5%)86 (74.8%)5.17 [3.06, 8.74]5.89 [3.56, 10.59]

Refuse disposal
Proper44 (73.3%)39 (33.9%)1.001.00
Improper16 (26.7%)76 (66.1%)5.53 [3.76, 8.12]5.9 [2.61, 9.78]

Source of drinking water
Improved31 (51.7%)42 (36.5%)1.001.00
Unimproved29 (48.3%)73 (63.5%)6.46 [4.4, 9.48]6.58 [2.82, 10.39]

Times to complementary feeding started
At 6 months18 (30.0%)28 (24.3%)1.001.00
Below 6 months25 (41.7%)46 (40.0%)3.9 [2.54, 6.03]5.62 [3.49, 9.6]
Above 6 months17 (28.3%)41 (35.7%)4.12 [2.6, 6.51]5.21 [2.2, 8.05]

Utensils used to feed child
Cup and spoon25 (41.7%)62 (53.9%)1.001.00
Bottle17 (28.3%)30 (26.1%)2.89 [1.85, 4.52]3.88 [1.78, 8.46]
Hand18 (30.0%)23 (20.0%)2.34 [1.48, 3.68]2.04 [0.82, 5.02]