Research Article

Comparison of the Knowledge and Practices in Medicine Dispensing between Retail Medicine Shops and Model Pharmacies in Dhaka Metropolis

Table 2

Grades of pharmacists present in the pharmacies.

Categories of dispensers/PharmacistProvider interview methodClient simulation method
Retail medicine shop (n = 65)Model pharmacy (n = 65)Retail medicine shop (n = 65)Model pharmacy (n = 65)

A grade (graduate)A = 7 (10.77%)A = 45 (69.23%)A = 0 (0%)A = 41 (63%)
B grade (diploma)B = 5 (7.69%)B = 9 (13.85%)B = 6 (9%)B = 3 (5%)
C grade (certificate)C = 53 (81.54%)C = 11 (16.92%)C = 59 (91%)C = 21 (32%)