Research Article

Prevalence and Predictors of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Health Care Workers in Tertiary Health Care Institutions in a Developing Country: A Cross-Sectional Analytical Study

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics and vaccine hesitancy among HCWs in Imo State, Nigeria.

VariableHesitant (%)Nonhesitant (%)Total (%)χ2Df-value

Age (yrs)
 20–2977 (38.9)121 (61.1)198 (100)2.69130.442
 30–3927 (29.3)65 (70.7)92 (100)
 40–4916 (34.0)31 (66.0)47 (100)
 50 and above3 (30.0)7 (70.0)10 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
 Male58 (36.5)101 (63.5)159 (100)0.13610.712
 Female65 (34.6)123 (65.4)188 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Marital status
 Married58 (36.3)102 (63.7)160 (100)0.08410.772
 Single65 (34.8)122 (65.2)187 (100)
 Total123(35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
 Catholic49 (29.3)118 (70.7)167 (100)15.49630.001
 Anglican17 (26.6)47 (73.4)64 (100)
 Pentecostal54 (50.5)53 (49.5)107 (100)
 Other religion3 (33.3)6 (66.7)9 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
 Doctor36 (26.3)101 (73.7)137 (100)10.91640.028
 Nurse/midwife21 (36.8)36 (63.2)57 (100)
 Pharmacists3 (25.0)9 (75.0)12 (100)
 Lab scientist10 (45.5)12 (54.5)22 (100)
 Others53 (44.5)66 (55.5)119 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Educational level
 Diploma16 (53.3)14 (46.7)30 (100)4.59220.101
 First degree83 (33.7)163 (66.3)246 (100)
 Postgraduate24 (33.8)47 (66.2)71 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Mode of usual transport to work
 Private transport35 (32.4)73 (67.6)108 (100)0.63310.426
 Public transport88 (36.8)151 (63.2)239 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Type of residence
 Self-owned house12 (33.3)24 (66.7)36 (100)2.03720.361
 Self-rented house83 (33.7)163 (66.3)246 (100)
 Family house28 (43.1)37 (56.9)65 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)

Statistical significance .