Research Article

Prevalence and Predictors of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Health Care Workers in Tertiary Health Care Institutions in a Developing Country: A Cross-Sectional Analytical Study

Table 3

Contextual perception factors and vaccine hesitancy among HCWs in Imo State, Nigeria.

VariableHesitant (%)Nonhesitant (%)Total (%)χ2Df-value

Do you trust information from the Internet/social media about COVID-19 and the vaccines?
 Yes24 (23.3)79 (76.7)103 (100)9.44310.002
 No99 (40.6)145 (59.4)244 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Has information from the internet/social media made you worry about taking the vaccine?
 Yes80 (37.9)131 (62.1)211 (100)1.43310.231
 No43 (31.6)93 (68.4)136 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Have you heard your priest/pastor/imam speaking against COVID-19 vaccinations?
 Yes42 (42.0)58 (58.0)100 (100)2.63710.104
 No81 (32.8)166 (67.2)247 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Have you experienced any past events that could reduce your trust in vaccines?
 Yes50 (50.0)50 (50.0)100 (100)13.0041<0.001
 No73 (29.6)174 (70.4)247 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Does your religion or culture discourage vaccinations?
 Yes9 (47.4)10 (52.6)19 (100)1.24910.264
 No114 (34.8)214 (65.2)328 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Do you trust the government to provide the right vaccines?
 Yes35 (18.3)156 (81.7)191 (100)54.4321<0.001
 No88 (56.4)68 (43.6)156 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Would distance, transport cost, or clinic wait time discourage you from getting the vaccine?
 Yes48 (38.1)78 (61.9)126 (100)0.60610.436
 No75 (33.9)146 (66.1)221 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Would having a chronic illness discourage you from getting the vaccine?
 Yes69 (39.0)108 (61.0)177 (100)1.97510.160
 No54 (31.8)116 (68.2)170 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Do you trust the vaccine producers to develop safe and effective vaccines?
 Yes60 (25.1)179 (74.9)239 (100)35.8941<0.001
 No63 (58.3)45 (41.7)108 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)

Statistical significance .