Research Article

Prevalence and Predictors of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Health Care Workers in Tertiary Health Care Institutions in a Developing Country: A Cross-Sectional Analytical Study

Table 4

Individual perception factors and vaccine hesitancy among HCWs in Imo State, Nigeria.

VariableHesitant (%)Nonhesitant (%)Total (%)χ2Dfp-value

Do you feel that hearing of someone with an alleged reaction would stop you from taking the vaccine?
 Yes82 (55.4)66 (44.6)148 (100)49.0542<0.001
 No15 (14.2)91 (85.8)106 (100)
 Not sure26 (28.0)67 (72.0)93 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Do you feel there are better ways to treat COVID-19 infection instead of using the vaccine?
 Yes37 (51.4)35 (48.6)72 (100)19.9752<0.001
 No31 (22.3)108 (77.7)139 (100)
 Not sure55 (40.4)81 (59.6)136 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Do you feel there is enough information about the vaccines and their safety?
 Yes32 (26.9)87 (73.1)119 (100)6.14920.046
 No67 (41.1)96 (58.9)163 (100)
 Not sure24 (36.9)41 (63.1)65 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Do you feel the government has an ulterior motive to encourage you to take COVID-19 vaccination?
 Yes36 (50.0)36 (50.0)72 (100)17.7552<0.001
 No42 (24.7)128 (75.3)170 (100)
 Not sure45 (42.9)60 (57.1)105 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Do you feel worried that you may get a reaction if you take the vaccine?
 Yes109 (45.0)133 (55.0)242 (100)32.1751<0.001
 No14 (13.3)91 (86.7)105 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Do you feel you will take the vaccine if all your friends have taken the vaccine?
 Yes23 (14.4)137 (85.6)160 (100)57.6121<0.001
 No100 (53.5)87 (46.5)187 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)

Statistical significance .