Research Article

Prevalence and Predictors of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Health Care Workers in Tertiary Health Care Institutions in a Developing Country: A Cross-Sectional Analytical Study

Table 5

Vaccine-specific perception factors and vaccine hesitancy among HCWs in Imo State, Nigeria.

VariableHesitant (%)Nonhesitant (%)Total (%)χ2Df-value

Does your consideration for the vaccine depend on how safe it is perceived?
 Yes99 (34.4)189 (65.6)288 (100)0.85010.357
 No24 (40.7)35 (59.3)59 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Does your consideration for the vaccine depend on how long it has been tested?
 Yes86 (34.0)167 (66.0)253 (100)0.86410.353
 No37 (39.4)57 (60.6)94 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Does your consideration for the vaccine depend on the vaccine cost?
 Yes26 (29.2)63 (70.8)89 (100)2.03210.154
 No97 (37.6)161 (62.4)258 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Does your consideration for the vaccine depend on which country it was produced in?
 Yes64 (37.6)106 (62.4)170 (100)0.70510.401
 No59 (33.3)118 (66.7)177 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Does your consideration for the vaccine depend on the type of COVID-19 vaccine available?
 Yes64 (33.3)128 (66.7)192 (100)0.83910.360
 No59 (38.1)96 (61.9)155 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Does your consideration for the vaccine depend on how many doses are required?
 Yes40 (33.1)81 (66.9)121 (100)0.46310.496
 No83 (36.7)143 (63.3)226 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)
Does your consideration for the vaccine depend on vaccine usage by your colleagues?
 Yes28 (29.2)68 (70.8)96 (100)2.28710.130
 No95 (37.8)156 (62.2)251 (100)
 Total123 (35.4)224 (64.6)347 (100)