Research Article

Impact of a Booklet about Diabetes Genetic Susceptibility and Its Prevention on Attitudes towards Prevention and Perceived Behavioral Change in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Their Offspring

Table 4

Patient-regarded change in offspringsโ€™ attitude toward diabetes risk and its prevention ๐‘ = 4 9 .

ItemsStrongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree
๐‘› (%) ๐‘› (%) ๐‘› (%) ๐‘› (%) ๐‘› (%)

The worry about diabetes has increased.10 (20.4)11 (22.4)17 (34.7)5 (10.2)5 (10.2)
He/She feels comforted because it turned out that diabetes can be prevented.13 (26.5)15 (30.6)15 (30.6)2 (4.1)2 (4.1)
He/She pays more attention to diabetes than previously.14 (28.6)15 (30.6)16 (32.7)1 (2.0)2 (4.1)
He/She began to intentionally follow a low-fat and fiber-rich diet.11 (22.4)18 (36.7)13 (26.5)3 (6.1)3 (6.1)
He/She began to exercise regularly.10 (20.4)12 (24.5)18 (36.7)4 (8.2)5 (10.2)
He/She came to ask to me about diabetes.8 (16.3)11 (22.4)17 (34.7)5 (10.2)7 (14.3)
He/She showed hardly any interest.6 (12.2)7 (14.3)17 (34.7)10 (20.4)8 (16.3)