Clinical Study

The Reduction of Distress Using Therapeutic Geothermal Water Procedures in a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

Table 2

Demographic and basic clinical characteristics of the groups.

Sociodemographic characteristicsGeothermal group Control group

Age, average (SD)46.5 (10.6)46.2 (9.3)
Period of service, average (SD)22.5 (11.4)22.4 (9.9)
Health-related factors
 BMI, average (SD)27.1 (2.9)28.7 (5.1)
 Morbidity, (%)59 (92.2)34 (68.0)
 Use of medication, (%)19 (29.7)23 (46.9)
 Good subjective health condition, (%)33 (50.8)27 (54.0)
 Smoking, (%)27 (42.2)24 (48)
 Alcohol at work once in several weeks, (%)8 (12.9)1 (2.0)
 Frequent stress, (%)16 (24.6)12 (24.5)
 Stress intensity, VAS, average (SD) 3.9 (1.6)3.6 (1.7)
 Frequent pain, (%)4 (6.2)3 (6.0)
 Pain intensity, VAS, average (SD)3.05 (1.6)2.4 (1.6)
 Fatigue intensity (7-point scale), average (SN)3.4 (1.3)3.3 (1.0)
 Insufficient quality of sleep, (%)21 (32.3)12 (24.5)