Research Article

Determinants of Noncompletion of the Third Dose of Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine in Pregnant Women in Dschang Health District, Cameroon

Table 3

Adjusted effects of factors influencing the number of doses of TTV.

VariablesNumber of doses of TTVaOR (95% CI) value
<three doses≥three doses
N = 172N = 208

Health facilities0.296
District hospital9751.69148.40.58 (0.223–1.5)
St. Vincent hospital7539.0611760.941

Age group0.441
≤19861.5538.41.62 (0.12–8.3)
20–258155.486544.51.26 (0.46–3.48)
26–357138.1711561.830.79 (0.296–2.2)

Marital status0.034
Single7061.44438.61.87 (1.05–3.3)

Postnatal consultation<0.0001
No13270.965429.036.75 (3.98–11.49)

Health facility where antenatal consultations were done0.088
Integrated health center1168.75531.253.33 (0.7–14.28)
Private health center2571.421028.571.25 (0.41–3.75)
District hospital7747.238652.773,43 (1.23–9.51)
Confessional hospital5935.7510664.241

Number of antenatal consultations during the last pregnancy0.116
≤23579.54920.452.17 (0.88–0.57)

Information on TT3 during antenatal consultations0.376
No12458.1818641.871.43 (0.64–3.18)

RDV for TT3 written on the hospital booklet0.101
I do not know2371.87928.122.72 (0.73–7.8)
No3175.61024.392.09 (0.73–5.4)

Who accompanies the baby for vaccination?<0.0001
Someone else12069.819493.33.85 (1.84–8.049)