Research Article

Knowledge, Attitude, and Associated Factors towards Safe Abortion among Private College Female Students in Gondar City, Northwest Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Attitude towards safe abortion among private college students in Gondar City, Northwest Ethiopia, 2019 (n = 633).

N (%)N (%)

Safe and voluntary abortion should be legal and accessible461 (72.8)172 (27.2)
Elective abortion should be legal and accessible under any circumstance531 (83.9)102 (16.1)
A woman under 18 requesting safe abortion service should terminate pregnancy426 (67.3)207 (32.7)
Safe abortion is acceptable if she is financially unable to rise the child431 (68.1)202 (31.9)
Safe abortion is acceptable to prevent mother’s life or fetal anomaly361 (57.0)272 (43.0)
It is acceptable for a woman to choose safe abortion because of rape or incent308 (48.7)325 (51.3)
Provision of safe abortion after unwanted pregnancy can prevent mothers’ life271 (42.8)362 (57.2)
Males/husbands have influences in the decision of aborting227 (35.9)406 (64.1)
Safe abortion services should be available at health centre and hospital198 (31.3)435 (68.7)
A woman has the right to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes290 (45.8)343 (54.2)
Adolescent students use induced abortions to terminate pregnancies285 (45.0)348 (55.0)