Research Article

Toxicity and Safety Evaluation of Doxorubicin-Loaded Cockleshell-Derived Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticle in Dogs

Figure 4

Effect of treatment groups from onset to 3 weeks after the 5th cycle on the haematological profile and serum biochemistry. (a) Red blood cells (RBCs) (106/mm3), (b) platelet cells (PLT) (103/mm3), (c) white blood cells (WBC) (103/mm3), (d) alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (µ/L), (e) aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (µ/L), (f) alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (µ/L), (g) lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (µ/L), (h) creatinine kinase (CK) (µ/L), (i) creatinine (Crea) (µmol/L), and (j) urea (mmol/L). Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation. Different alphabets indicate statistical significance () between groups at different cumulative doses with a, b, c, and d representing significant difference with control, DOX 30 mg/m2, CS-CaCO3NP-DOX 50 mg/m2, CS-CaCO3NP-DOX 30 mg/m2, and CS-CaCO3NP-DOX 20 mg/m2, respectively.