Research Article

Antibiotic Use among Patients Visiting Primary Hospitals in Northwest Ethiopia: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Survey

Table 1

Knowledge and belief items on antibiotic use in interview-based questions to respondents in Northwest Ethiopia primary hospitals.

Items of knowledge questions
Q1. Antibiotics must be taken as soon as we have fever.
Q2. Antibiotics are indicated for treating sore throat.
Q3. Antibiotics are indicated for treating flu.
Q4. Antibiotics are indicated for treating cold.
Q5. Antibiotics can treat viral infections.
Q6. Antibiotics prepared for human could be used for animals.
Q7. Antibiotics can treat parasitic infections.
Q8. Antibiotics can treat bacterial infections.
Q9. People can be allergic to antibiotics.
Q10. Wrong indications of antibiotics could lead to antibiotic resistance.

Items of belief questions
Q1. I believe that antibiotics can cure any diseases.
Q2. I believe that antibiotics can prevent any illnesses from becoming worse.
Q3. I believe an injury to the skin can be cured quickly by pouring antibiotic powders onto the injury.
Q4. I believe that interrupting the course of antibiotic use will not affect the outcomes of treatment regimen
Q5. I believe that antibiotics are generally safe (do not have any side effects or ADRs).
Q6. I believe that antibiotics will cure me again for similar symptoms in the future
Q7. I believe that decisions regarding prescription of antibiotics should not be taken by physicians