Review Article

Progress of Catalytic Valorization of Bio-Glycerol with Urea into Glycerol Carbonate as a Monomer for Polymeric Materials

Table 4

Catalytic glycerolysis of urea to GC using ILs-based catalyst.

EntryCatalystAcid amount (mmol/g)Base amount (mmol/g)Reaction conditionsYield of GC (%)Ref.

1MPR[pmim][Cl] + ZnOaa140℃, 3 h78.6[118]
2PS-(Im)2ZnBr20.1650.66140℃, 6 h72.3b[119]
3Q-MMTsa0.97145℃, 3 h80b[120]
4[PS-(Im)2MX2]6.016.67140℃, 6 h60.3[121]

aNot reported. bGC selectivity.