Research Article

Different Learning Curves for Axillary Brachial Plexus Block: Ultrasound Guidance versus Nerve Stimulation

Table 2

Axillary brachial plexus block characteristics. Data are numbers or mean (±SD).

UltrasoundNerve stimulator -values

Number of records259343
Block-performing time in minutes22.1 (±8.4)34.7 (±12.7)<.001
Incidence of vessel puncture32 (12.4)173 (50.4)<.001
Volume of local anaesthetics in millilitres38.5 (±6.3)46.7 (±6.9)<.001
Type of local anaesthetics
 Mepivacaine 1%182 (73.4)187 (58.3)
 Ropivacaine 0.75%49 (19.8)1 (0.3)
 Combination of mepivacaine and bupivacaine17 (7.9)133 (41.3)<.001
 Not recorded1122