Clinical Study

The Association of Postcardiac Surgery Acute Kidney Injury with Intraoperative Systolic Blood Pressure Hypotension

Table 2

Characterizations of blood pressure variability and association with percent delta creatinine.

BP descriptorP value for BP measureModel r-squareHemodynamic variable median (25th–75th percentile) (units are indicated in the first column)

AUC for 95/135 (mm Hg·min)0.330.058930 (424–2707)
AUC < 95 (mm Hg·min)0.360.058447 (130–1584)
AUC > 135 (mm Hg·min)0.720.058207 (71–443)
AUC for 20% (mm Hg·min-above + below)0.080.0592268 (702–5698)
AUC for 20% below baseline0.090.0592117 (509–5542)
AUC for 20% above baseline0.740.0585.07 (0–74)
Number of total incursions0.310.05813 (9–17)
Number of incursions >1350.250.0584 (2–6)
Number of incursions <950.570.0589 (5–13)
Cumulative minutes >135 or <95 mm Hg (min)0.420.05817.7 (3.1–6.8)
Minutes >135 or <95 mm Hg per incident (min)0.290.0614.8 (3.3–7.8)
Cumulative minutes >135 mm Hg (min)0.390.05814 (6–25)
Minutes >135 mm Hg per incursion (min)0.840.0613.7 (2.3–5.7)
Cumulative minutes <95 mm Hg (min)0.550.05849 (18–116)
Minutes <95 mm Hg per incursion (min)0.270.0584.9 (2.8–10.8)
Mean incursion nadir <95 mm Hg0.010.06013 (9–17)
Mean incursion peak >135 mm Hg 0.560.05821 (12–31)
Percent change below baseline (to minimum)0.0060.06553 (62–43)
Percent change above baseline (to maximum)0.510.06324 (9–48)

All models are adjusted for aprotinin use, age, chf, previous mi, baseline creatinine, bypass time, diabetes, weight, valve surgery, gender, and pulse pressure. P values for these covariates are not shown.