Research Article

Comparison of Hemodynamic Response following Spinal Anesthesia between Controlled Hypertensive and Normotensive Patients Undergoing Surgery below the Umbilicus: An Observational Prospective Cohort Study

Table 1

Comparison of demographic data and baseline hemodynamic parameter between the two groups: Black Lion hospital from October 30, 2019, to January 30, 2020.

VariablesCH (n = 55)N (n = 55) value

Age in years (mean ± SD)58.15 ± 10.66260.78 ± 11.8320.222
SexM (f (%))40 (72.7%)48 (87.3%)0.095
F (f (%))15 (27.3%)7 (12.7%)
Weight in kg (mean ± SD)66.4364 ± 5.8839565.2727 ± 7.103610.352
Height in cm (mean ± SD)167.0364 ± 3.91561166.4909 ± 4.962350.524
BMI in kg (mean ± SD)23.9244 ± 2.5594923.5787 ± 2.580130.482
Baseline SBP (mmHg)132.8909 ± 4.57721133.9455 ± 5.668030.285
Baseline DBP (mmHg)78.5455 ± 7.72638079.0182 ± 7.804300.75
Baseline HR (bpm)78.2545 ± 9.323840076.5636 ± 10.349030.37

Data are given as (mean ± SD).Independent samples t-test (median (IQR)). f: frequency.