Research Article

Intravenous Dexmedetomidine as an Adjunct to Neuraxial Anesthesia in Cesarean Delivery: A Retrospective Chart Review

Table 1

Patient demographics and surgical characteristics.

DexmedetomidineOthers value

Total number of patients6245
Age (years)31 (29, 34)32 (29, 36)0.22
Gestational age39 (37, 39)39 (36, 39)0.58
 Caucasian54 (87%)35 (78%)0.3
 African American2 (3%)3 (7%)0.65
 Hispanic1 (2%)1 (2%)1.00
 Asian/Pacific Islander3 (5%)2 (4%)1.00
 African1 (2%)2 (4%)0.57
 Others1 (2%)2 (4%)0.57
Body mass index34.2 (28.0, 40.0)32.6 (28.1, 39.0)0.67
Gravidity2 (1, 3)2 (2, 4)0.82
Parity2 (1, 2)2 (1, 3)0.42
Indication for cesarean delivery
 Elective2 (3%)3 (7%)0.65
 Repeat19 (31%)14 (31%)1.00
 Malpresentation4 (6%)4 (9%)0.72
 Failure of vaginal delivery21 (34%)12 (27%)0.53
 NRFHT8 (13%)10 (22%)0.30
 Others8 (13%)2 (4%)0.19
Number of previous cesarean deliveries
 Primary37 (60%)23 (51%)0.43
 Repeat25 (40%)22 (49%)0.43
 Length of surgery (min)71 (53, 86)70 (58, 89)0.44
Type of anesthesia
 Spinal33 (53%)26 (58%)0.70
 Preexisting epidural29 (47%)19 (42%)0.70
Emergency status
 Emergent35 (56%)24 (53%)0.84
 Nonemergent27 (44%)21 (47%)0.84
Conversion to general anesthesia4 (6%)4 (9%)0.72

Median (Q1, Q3), Wilcoxon rank-sum test. n (%), Fisher’s exact test.