Research Article

Perioperative Respiratory Outcome of Patients with Eosinophilia: A Cohort Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Table 3

Association between absolute eosinophil count and adverse respiratory events.

AEC categoriesRespiratory complications (CTCAE v 5.0—November 27, 2017)
Fall in oxygen saturation (SPO2 <95%)CoughStridorBronchospasmLaryngospasm

Group A (N = 165) AEC 0–499/mm33717 (Grade 1-2)4 (Grade 3)01 (Grade 3)
GP B (N = 32) AEC 500–1000/mm383 (Grade 1-2)02 (Grade 3)0
Perioperative period12 hours postoperative period10 hours postoperative period12 hours postoperative periodIntraoperative periodImmediate after extubation
OutcomeSurgery was completed, and the patient was managed with humidified oxygen in the wardSurgery was completed, and the patient was managed with antitussivesSurgery was completed, and the patient was managed with intravenous steroids and nebulised adrenalineSurgery was completed, and the patient was managed with intravenous bronchodilatorsSurgery was completed, and the patient was managed with jaw thrust and positive pressure ventilation with 100% oxygen