Research Article

Clinic Attendance for Medication Refills and Medication Adherence amongst an Antiretroviral Treatment Cohort in Uganda: A Prospective Study

Table 4

Multivariate logistic regression analysis to determine predictors of optimal adherence.

Variable [95% CI]

 Male0.75 [0.30–1.91].546
Age (years)
 Greater than 351.00
 Less than or equal to 350.75 [0.31–1.82].529
 No education0.32 [0.12–0.85].022
 Unemployed1.87 [0.81–4.30].143
Duration on ARVs
 More than 2 years1.00
 Less than or equal to 2 years0.62 [0.27–1.41].253
Clinic attendance
 Regular attendance1.00
 Inconsistent attendance0.28 [0.10–0.79].016

: odds ratio