Clinical Study

Time to and Predictors of CD4+ T-Lymphocytes Recovery in HIV-Infected Children Initiating Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy in Ghana

Table 3

Unadjusted associations of patient characteristics and time to CD4+ T-lymphocyte recovery among 233 HIV-infected children on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) from 2004–2009, Accra, Ghana.

𝑁 (%)§Hazard Ratio 𝑃 -value

Age category at ARV start.005
 <1 year10 (4.3)0.93.864
 1–5 years118 (51.0)1.64.002
 >6 years105 (45.1)1.00
preHAART CD4+ counts (per 102)228 (97.9)1.05.001
WHO immune classification at ARV start<.0001
 No evidence of suppression 31 (13.3)2.22.0004
 Evidence of moderate suppression 80 (34.3)2.08<.0001
 Severe suppression 122 (52.4)1.00
 Female112 (48.1)1.34
 Male121 (51.9)1.00
Mode of transmission.928
 Vertical transmission199 (85.4)0.88.715
 Unknown23 (9.9)0.91.842
 Indeterminate11 (4.7)1.00
Graduate of PMTCT program<.0001
 Yes3 (2.2)4.77
 No201 (86.3)1.00
Parental living status.054
 Known both alive109 (46.8)1.80.024
 Known one alive79 (33.9)1.86.020
 Both died or unknown31 (13.3)1.00
Parental HIV status.241
 Both parents with HIV28 (12.0)1.46.131
 One parents known with HIV128 (54.9)1.00.999
 Both parents unknown75 (32.2)1.00
WHO clinical staging at ARV start.197
 I32 (13.7)0.98.95
 II53 (22.7)0.70.98
 III106 (45.5)1.09.71
 IV41 (17.6)1.00
Adherence self report.078
 Poor13 (5.6)1.80.131
 Good46 (19.8)1.24.607
 Excellent144 (61.8)1.00
 Unknown30 (12.9)
Previous Tb diagnosis and treatment.803
 Yes119 (51.1)0.15
 No114 (48.9)1.00

§% corresponds to proportion of the 233 subjects. The sum of % and 𝑁 may not be up to 100% and 233, respectively, due to subjects with “unknown” responses.
Subjects with history of possible maternal transmission, blood transfusion, or sexual abuse.
(95% CL: 2.90, 18.36).