Clinical Study

Differences in Lipid Measurements by Antiretroviral Regimen Exposure in Cohorts from Asia and Australia

Figure 1

Adjusted Mean Lipids by regimen and cohort. Interaction between impact of regimen and cohort variables on lipids: (a) mean total cholesterol, (b) mean triglycerides, and (c) mean total cholesterol : HDL-C ratio. A statistically significant interaction suggests impact of regimen on lipids differed in magnitude by the cohort. Triglycerides were higher for TAHOD as compared to AHOD irrespective of the regimen, but the interaction between regimen and cohort was not significant. Means were a priori adjusted for time on given regimen, HBV and HCV confections, age, gender, HIV RNA viral load copies/mL, CD4+ T-cell count, BMI, cumulative exposure to cART at baseline, and HIV exposure category. *Reference category. Horizontal line shows the value of constant (mean lipid value in reference category). Error bars indicate 95% confidence interval. AHOD: Australian HIV Observational Database; ATV: Atazanavir; EFV: Efavirenz; NNRTIs: nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; NRTI: Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; NVP: Nevirapine; PI: protease inhibitor; TAHOD: TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database; TDF: Tenofovir. Key. NRTIs are TDF based (NRTIs + TDF) or not (NRTIs) and PI as ATV based (PI + ATV) or not (PI).
(a) Total cholesterol
(b) Triglycerides
(c) Total cholesterol : HDL-C ratio