Clinical Study

Oral HIV-Associated Kaposi Sarcoma: A Clinical Study from the Ga-Rankuwa Area, South Africa

Table 3

CD4+ T-cell counts (cells/mm3) of the participants.

CD4+ T-cell counts of the patientsMalesFemales Average

At the time of oral HIV-KS diagnosis (33 patients)141 (14)85 (19)107 (33)
 Standard deviation117.4077.99106.99
Who were simultaneously diagnosed with HIV and oral KS (14 patients)163 (7)97 (7)130 (14)
 Standard deviation155.6485.95125.63
Who were diagnosed with HIV infection before developing oral HIV-KS, at the time of HIV diagnosis (14 patients)210 (6)129 (8)164 (14)
 Standard deviation167.27160.21162.14
Who were diagnosed with HIV infection before developing oral HIV-KS, at the time of oral HIV-KS diagnosis (19 patients)119 (7)74 (12)90 (19)
 Standard deviation112.9275.5590.75
Receiving for some time HAART, at HIV-KS diagnosis (7 patients)160 (1)78 (6)90 (7)
 Standard deviation071.4972.19
Who were HAART-naïve at oral HIV-KS diagnosis (26 patients)140 (13)87 (13)114 (26)
 Standard deviation137.9883.75114.97
Who had facial lymphoedema during their course of oral HIV-KS (8 patients)24 (4)31 (4)28 (8)
 Standard deviation14.6615.7514.61
Who did not have lymphoedema during the course of oral HIV-KS (25 patients)188 (10)96 (15)133 (25)
 Standard deviation129.5082.60111.33