Research Article

Resistance to Cotrimoxazole and Other Antimicrobials among Isolates from HIV/AIDS and Non-HIV/AIDS Patients at Bugando Medical Centre, Mwanza, Tanzania

Table 1

Background characteristics of 155 patients as categorized by HIV status.

CharacteristicsTotal ()HIV status

 Male26 (47.3%)29 (52.7%)
 Female57 (57.0%)43 (43.0%)
 Urine9 (15.2%)50 (84.8%)
 Pus swab74 (77.1%)22 (22.9%)
Gram stain155
 Negative66 (51.2%)63 (48.8%)
 Positive17 (65.4%)9 (34.6%)
Admission status155
 Outpatients6 (11.3%)47 (88.7%)
 In patients77 (75.5%)25 (24.5%)
WHO clinical stage72
 1NA23 (32%)
 2NA21 (29%)
 3NA18 (25%)
 4NA10 (14%)
CD4 count72
 <350NA41 (57%)
 >350NA31 (43%)
Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis72
 Not on prophylaxisNA28 (39%)
 On prophylaxisNA44 (61%)
Antiretroviral therapy
 Taking ART62NA62 (83.3%)
 Not taking10NA10 (16.7%)

NA = not applied.