Research Article

Relationships between Serum Levels of Atazanavir and Renal Toxicity or Lithiasis

Table 2

Characteristics of patients who had renal colic are compared to those of who did not have renal colic.

Renal colicWithout renal colic value
() ()

Gender (M/F) (%)7/2 (77.8/22.2)65/24 (73.03/26.97)0.81
Mean age (years)
Grouped BMI (<20/20–30/>30) (%)4/4/1 (44.4/44.4/11.2)14/66/9 (15.73/74.16/10.11)0.66
Basal CD4 lymphocytes, median (cells/μL)7065470.27
Basal VL (log10cop/mL) (mean)
Cumulative ATV exposures (months)25.525.90.95
Lithiasis before start of study () (%)2 (22.22)14 (15.73)0.74
Basal renal function by MDRD (mL/min/1.73 m2)
Basal uric acid (mg/dL)
Increase in bilirubin (mg/dL) (mean)0.420.700.74
Type of crystalluria (total) (%) 66.616.8<0.001
 Calcium oxalate (%)0 (0)6 (6.9)
 Amorphous urate (%)3 (27.3)9 (10.3)
 ATV (%)3 (27.3)0 (0)
Urine pH6.15.60.048
Time of ATV dosage (B/L/D)3/3/325/16/420.77
Mean levels of ATV (overall) (µg/L)130311610.67
 B dosage patient levels3685940.55
 L dosage patient levels13128340.12
 D dosage patient levels192115780.52

: number; M/F: male/female; BMI: body mass index; MDRD: Modification of Diet in Renal Disease; B/L/D: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.