Research Article

Pregnant and Postpartum Women’s Experiences and Perspectives on the Acceptability and Feasibility of Copackaged Medicine for Antenatal Care and PMTCT in Lesotho

Table 2

Women’s positive and negative experiences with the pack reported in structured interviews.


What positive experiences have you had with the pack?
Pack motivated to disclose to spouse41 (18.7)32 (21.6)22 (15.5) 95 (18.7)
Pack motivated to disclose to family14 (6.4)22 (14.9) 9 (6.3)45 (8.8)
Received support from partner after disclosure47 (21.5)40 (27.0)34 (23.9)121 (23.8)
Received support from family member after disclosure8 (3.7) 26 (17.6) 15 (10.6)49 (9.6)
Led to unplanned disclosure with acceptance from partner5 (2.3)6 (4.1)3 (2.1) 14 (2.8)
Community treated me better with pack13 (5.9)9 (6.1)13 (9.2)35 (6.9)
Motivated me attend clinic to have healthy baby31 (14.2)30 (20.3) 34 (23.9) 95 (18.7)
Allowed me to attend clinic less often21 (9.6)10 (6.8)6 (4.2)37 (7.3)
Helped take all the pills as instructed83 (37.9)54 (36.5)41 (28.9)178 (35.0)
Identified me as pregnant30 (13.7)4 (2.7)11 (7.8)45 (8.8)
Drug contents improved mother/child health17 (7.8)6 (4.1) 5 (3.5)28 (5.5)
No positive experiences30 (13.7)28 (18.9)32 (22.5)90 (17.7)


What negative experiences have you had with the pack?
Partner found out status and was verbally abused01 (0.7)01 (0.2)
Partner found out status and was treated badly01 (0.7)01 (0.2)
Partner found out status and was abandoned01 (0.7)01 (0.2)
Family member found out status and was treated badly02 (1.3)3 (2.1)5 (1.0)
Confused about pack and drugs01 (0.7)1 (0.7)2 (0.4)
Difficult because I had to hide pack1 (0.5)3 (2.0)2 (1.4)6 (1.2)
Having drugs in pack made me forget to take drugs1 (0.5)1 (0.7)02 (0.4)
People treated me badly when they saw pack2 (0.9)3 (2.0)3 (2.1)8 (1.6)
Others suspected/discovered HIV+ status1 (0.5)1 (0.7)4 (2.8)6 (1.2)
Identified me as pregnant40 (18.3)25 (16.8)18 (12.7)83 (16.3)
No negative experiences171 (78.4)112 (75.2)113 (79.6)396 (77.8)