Research Article

Missed Testing Opportunities for HIV Screening and Early Diagnosis in an Urban Tertiary Care Center

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of newly diagnosed HIV patients at University Hospital HIV Clinic, Newark, New Jersey, 2013-2014.

= 117 (37%)

Mean age37
Male72 (62%)
Self-identified race
African American83 (71%)
Hispanic7 (6%)
White5 (4%)
Others18 (15%)
Unknown4 (3%)
HIV risk factor
Heterosexual59 (50%)
MSM36 (31%)
Injection drug use8 (7%)
Bisexual4 (3%)
Transfusion3 (3%)
Unknown4 (3%)
Commercial sex worker1 (1%)
Other2 (2%)
Site of diagnosis
Inpatient27 (23%)
Outpatient90 (77%)
HIV RNA > 100,000 copies/mL 34 (29%)
CD4 < 200 cells/μL34 (29%)
CD4 < 50 cells/μL20 (17%)

MSM: men who have sex with men.