Research Article

Effect of Efavirenz on Endogenous Progesterone Concentrations and Contraceptive Outcomes among Ugandan HIV Infected Women Coadministering Ethinylestradiol/Levonorgestrel

Table 3

Factors associated with progesterone levels among HIV positive women on efavirenz based HAART in binary logistic regression analysis.

VariableOR95% CIp value

Efavirenz conc. (µg/ml)1.080.90–1.300.39
Age (yrs)1.040.85–1.270.70
Weight (Kgs)1.120.97–1.290.14
 Sday (1)7.500.34–167.780.20
 Sday (2)21.301.06–426.640.04

between last dose of efavirenz or COC and sampling; Sday = reference sampling day (day 22), Sday (1) = sampling day 20, and Sday (2) = sampling day 21 of the menstrual cycle.