Research Article

A Qualitative Study Exploring Factors Associated with Retention in HIV Care among Women with HIV in a Large HIV Clinic in Lagos, Nigeria, after Implementing the Test and Treat Policy

Table 1

Summary of themes and sub-themes using Andersen and Newman’s behavioral model of healthcare utilization.

Predisposing factorsEnabling factorsNeed factors

Knowledge and attitude of the women to ART:
Knowledge about the function of ARTs and the perceived benefits of taking them as directed by the clinic
Ability to pay:
Sources of income and challenges encountered in obtaining income for daily living
Individual’s perception of health:
Self-perception of being HIV-positive
Social norms and perceived control:
Household awareness about respondents’ HIV status
Presence of social support
Availability and accessibility of facility:
Ease of travel to and from the clinic: length of travel time and transportation costs
Perceived needs:
Motivation for remaining in care
Healthcare facility factors:
Presence or absence of support from the treatment clinic
Challenges encountered in the process of accessing care at the clinic
Ability to overcome challenges in accessing care at the clinic
Evaluated needs:
this should be linkage to care intention to remain in care