Research Article

HIV Care Preferences among Young People Living with HIV in Lesotho: A Secondary Data Analysis of the PEBRA Cluster Randomized Trial

Table 2

SMS reminder preferences over time, by sex, among those still in care at 12 months.

First assessmentMiddle assessmentLast assessment

Cell phone available (%)No51 (41.5)27 (34.2)24 (54.5)49 (39.8)24 (30.8)24 (54.5)43 (35.0)23 (29.1)20 (45.5)
Yes72 (58.5)52 (65.8)20 (45.5)74 (60.2)54 (69.2)20 (45.5)80 (65.0)56 (70.9)24 (54.5)

Adherence reminders chosen (%)No33 (26.8)22 (27.8)11 (25.0)31 (25.2)21 (26.9)10 (22.7)35 (28.5)23 (29.1)12 (27.3)
Yes39 (31.7)30 (38.0)9 (20.5)43 (35.0)33 (42.3)10 (22.7)45 (36.6)33 (41.8)12 (27.3)

Refill reminders chosen (%)No31 (25.2)22 (27.8)9 (20.5)31 (25.2)22 (28.2)9 (20.5)30 (24.4)20 (25.3)10 (22.7)
Yes41 (33.3)30 (38.0)11 (25.0)43 (35.0)32 (41.0)11 (25.0)50 (40.7)36 (45.6)14 (31.8)

Viral load notifications chosen (%)No4 (3.3)3 (3.8)1 (2.3)13 (10.6)9 (11.5)4 (9.1)14 (11.4)9 (11.4)5 (11.4)
Yes68 (55.3)49 (62.0)19 (43.2)61 (49.6)45 (57.7)16 (36.4)66 (53.7)47 (59.5)19 (43.2)