Clinical Study

Management for Patients with De Novo or Recurrent Tumors in the Residual Kidney after Surgery for Nonfamilial Bilateral Renal Cell Carcinoma

Table 1

Patients, their characteristics at the initial visit, occurrence pattern of renal tumors, and surgical approaches.

Patient numberAge (y.o.)SexLeading symptomStageOccurrence patternNephrectomy

48malehematuriaT1b, T1asynchronousradical and partial
54femalepyrexiaT2, T1ametachronousradical and partial
61malenoneT1a, T1ametachronouspartial and partial
62malenoneT1b, T1ametachronousradical and partial
42malenoneT1a, T1asynchronouspartial and partial

All the patients had N0M0 disease at the initial visit or when the metachronous tumor emerged in the contralateral kidney. All the tumors were pathologically diagnosed as conventional renal cell carcinoma (RCC) G2 or G2-dominant, and surgical margins in patients receiving partial nephrectomy were negative for malignant tissue.